poetry, Writing

Can’t you see

Try to walk in my shoes for a day,
Feel the strain, the heaviness, how I sigh,

It’s not easy being me,
In emotional pain constantly,

Drained and tired most the time,
No time for me taking care of three,

Life passing me by,
Stray grey hairs reminding me my youth is in the wastelands, a distant memory,

When will it end?
When will the grey veil lift from my head?

What lies ahead?
More torture, more time, another day I lose my mind?

We all have our demons,
The maddening days,

With strength we prevail,
Though some days I would rather cave,

Just give up for awhile,
While I try to compose my inner cries,

A break from life,
A time out today,

Some sleep,
A good cry,

In silence and alone,
So no one sees I’m only human,

Can’t you see….
